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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - trick


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Перевод с английского языка trick на русский

1) оптический обман; тлв свецэффект 2) паз игольницы (трикотажной машины) 3) (технический) приём 4) оригинальное решение - opposed gated tricks - photographic trick
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  1) прием 2) уловка 3) ухищрение 4) хитрость - computational trick - head trick - linearization trick - mathematical trick - number trick ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. хитрость, обман by trick —- обманным путем to obtain money by a trick —- получить деньги при помощи обмана I suspect some trick —- здесь что-то не так (нечисто) to play smb. a trick. to play a trick on smb. —- обмануть (надуть) кого-л., сыграть с кем-л. шутку it's a trick to get rid of me —- это уловка, чтобы избавиться от меня you shall not serve that trick twice —- второй раз этот номер не пройдет, больше вы меня не обманете my memory is always playing me tricks —- память играет со мной плохие шутки, память постоянно меня подводит 2. обман, оптическая иллюзия и т. п. a trick of the senses —- обман чувств tricks of the memory —- провалы памяти a trick of vision (of the eyesight) —- обман зрения 3. шутка, шалость; выходка tricks of fortune —- превратности судьбы children are always up to tricks —- дети всегда любят пошалить you've been up to your tricks again! —- опять ты напроказил!; опять ты принялся за свое! none of your tricks! —- разг. без фокусов! he's always playing mad tricks —- у него всегда какие-то безумные выходки 4. глупый поступок, глупость it's a fool's trick to trust a stranger too far —- глупо чересчур доверять незнакомому человеку 5. фокус, трюк conjuring tricks —- фокусы иллюзиониста card tricks —- карточные фокусы the tricks of the clowns in a circus —- трюки цирковых клоунов to show tricks —- показывать фокусы to teach a dog some tricks —- обучать собаку трюкам the trick...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) хитрость, обман; by trick - обманным путем; trick of senses (imagination) - обман чувств (воображения); to play smb. a trick - обмануть, надуть кого-л.; сыграть с кем-л. шутку; you shall not serve that trick twice - второй раз этот номер не пройдет  2) фокус, трюк  3) шутка; шалость; выходка; none of your tricks! - без фокусов!; a dirty trick - подлость, гадость; shabby tricks - гадкие шутки; tricks of fortune - превратности судьбы  4) сноровка, ловкий прием; уловка; dont know (или have not got) the trick of it - не знаю, как это делается, не знаю секрета; hes done the trick coll. - ему это удалось; I know a trick worth two of that - у меня есть средство получше; all the tricks and turns - все приемы, уловки; tricks of the trade - специфические приемы в каком-л. деле или профессии  5) особенность, характерное выражение (лица, голоса); манера, привычка (часто дурная)  6) cards взятка; the odd trick - решающая взятка  7) naut. очередь, смена у руля; to take/have/stand ones trick - отстоять смену  8) amer. безделушка, забава, игрушка  9) amer.; coll. ребенок (часто little или pretty trick)  10) attr. сложный; trick photography - комбинированные съемки  11) attr. обманчивый to do the trick sl. - достичь цели, добиться своего Syn: artifice, blind, dodge, evasion, manoeuvre, ruse, stratagem, subterfuge, wile  2. v.  1) обманывать, надувать; выманивать (out of); обманом заставить (что-л. сделать)...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 an action or scheme undertaken to fool, outwit, or deceive. 2 an optical or other illusion (a trick of the light). 3 a special technique; a knack or special way of doing something. 4 a a feat of skill or dexterity. b an unusual action (e.g. begging) learned by an animal. 5 a mischievous, foolish, or discreditable act; a practical joke (a mean trick to play). 6 a peculiar or characteristic habit or mannerism (has a trick of repeating himself). 7 a the cards played in a single round of a card-game, usu. one from each player. b such a round. c a point gained as a result of this. 8 (attrib.) done to deceive or mystify or to create an illusion (trick photography; trick question). 9 Naut. a sailor's turn at the helm, usu. two hours. --v.tr. 1 deceive by a trick; outwit. 2 (often foll. by out of, or into + verbal noun) cheat; treat deceitfully so as to deprive (were tricked into agreeing; were tricked out of their savings). 3 (of a thing) foil or baffle; take by surprise; disappoint the calculations of. Phrases and idioms do the trick colloq. accomplish one's purpose; achieve the required result. how's tricks? colloq. how are you? not miss a trick see MISS(1). trick cyclist 1 a cyclist who performs tricks, esp. in a circus. 2 sl. a psychiatrist. trick of the trade a special usu. ingenious technique or method of achieving a result in an industry or profession etc. trick or treat esp. US a children's custom of calling at houses at Hallowe'en with the threat of pranks if they are not given a small gift. trick out (or up) dress, decorate, or deck out esp. showily. up to one's tricks colloq. misbehaving. up to a person's tricks aware of what a person is likely to do by way of mischief. Derivatives tricker n. trickish adj. trickless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF dial. trique, OF triche f. trichier deceive, of unkn. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English trikke, from Anglo-French *trik, from trikier to deceive, cheat, from Vulgar Latin *triccare, alteration of Latin tricari to behave evasively, shuffle, from tricae complications, trifles  Date: 15th century  1.  a. a crafty procedure or practice meant to deceive or defraud  b. a mischievous act ; prank  c. an indiscreet or childish action  d. a deceptive, dexterous, or ingenious feat; especially one designed to puzzle or amuse a juggler's ~s  2.  a. a habitual peculiarity of behavior or manner a horse with the ~ of shying  b. a characteristic and identifying feature a ~ of speech  c. a delusive appearance especially when caused by art or legerdemain ; an optical illusion a mere ~ of the light  3.  a.  (1) a quick or artful way of getting a result ; knack the ~ is to make it look natural  (2) an instance of getting a desired result one small adjustment will do the ~  b. a technical device (as of an art or craft) the ~s of stage technique  4. the cards played in one round of a card game often used as a scoring unit  5.  a. a turn of duty at the helm usually lasting for two hours  b. shift 4b(1)  c. a trip taken as part of one's employment  d. a sexual act performed by a prostitute turning ~s; also john 2  6. an attractive child or woman a cute little ~ Synonyms:  ~, ruse, stratagem, maneuver, artifice, wile, feint mean an indirect means to gain an end. ~ may imply deception, roguishness, illusion, and either an evil or harmless end the ~s of the trade. ruse stresses an attempt to mislead by a false impression the ruses of smugglers. stratagem implies a ruse used to entrap, outwit, circumvent, or surprise an opponent or enemy the stratagem-filled game. maneuver suggests adroit and skillful avoidance of difficulty last-minute maneuvers to avert bankruptcy. artifice implies ingenious contrivance or invention the clever artifices of the stage. wile suggests an attempt to entrap or deceive with false allurements used all of his wiles to ingratiate...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (tricks, tricking, tricked) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A trick is an action that is intended to deceive someone. We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me. N-COUNT 2. If someone tricks you, they deceive you, often in order to make you do something. Stephen is going to be pretty upset when he finds out how you tricked him... His family tricked him into going to Pakistan, and once he was there, they took away his passport... His real purpose is to trick his way into your home to see what he can steal. VERB: V n, V n into -ing/n, V way prep/adv 3. A trick is a clever or skilful action that someone does in order to entertain people. He shows me card tricks. N-COUNT 4. A trick is a clever way of doing something. Tiffany revamped her sitting room with simple decorative tricks. N-COUNT 5. see also confidence trick, conjuring trick, hat-trick 6. If something does the trick, it achieves what you wanted. (INFORMAL) Sometimes a few choice words will do the trick. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If someone tries every trick in the book, they try every possible thing that they can think of in order to achieve something. (INFORMAL) Companies are using every trick in the book to stay one step in front of their competitors. PHRASE: v PHR 8. If you say that something is a trick of the light, you mean that what you are seeing is an effect caused by the way that the light falls on things, and does not really exist in the way that it appears. Her head appears to be on fire but that is only a trick of the light. PHRASE: v-link PHR 9. If you say that someone does not miss a trick, you mean that they always know what is happening and take advantage of every situation. (INFORMAL) PHRASE: V inflects, with brd-neg 10. The tricks of the trade are the quick and clever ways of doing something that are known by people who regularly do a particular activity. PHRASE: trick inflects 11. If you say that someone is up to their tricks or up to their...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »DECEIVING SB« something you do in order to deceive someone  (He pretended to be ill, but it was just a trick . | a clever trick to cheat the authorities) 2 dirty/rotten/mean trick an unkind or unfair thing to do  (He didn't turn up? What a rotten trick!) 3 »JOKE« something you do to surprise someone and to make other people laugh  (I'm getting tired of your silly tricks. | play a trick on sb)  (The girls were always playing tricks on their teacher.) 4 do the trick spoken if something does the trick it solves a problem or provides what is needed to get a good result  (A bit more flour should do the trick.) 5 »CLEVER METHOD« a clever way of doing something that works very well  (The trick is to bend your knees as you catch the ball. | tricks of the trade (=clever methods used in a particular job))  (a salesman who knew all the tricks of the trade) 6 use every trick in the book to use every clever or dishonest method that you know to achieve what you want  (Ed used every trick in the book to get that contract.) 7 sb can teach/show you a trick or two informal used to say that someone knows a lot more than you 8 be up to your (old) tricks informal to be doing the same dishonest things that you have often done before  (Watch out for Joe, he's up to his old tricks again.) 9 »MAGIC« a skilful set of actions that seem like magic, done to entertain people  (We spent the next hour performing card tricks.) 10 a trick of the light a strange effect of the light that changes the way things look or makes you see something that is not really there  (For a moment I thought you were Duncan, but it was just a trick of the light.) 11 »CARDS« the cards played or won in one part of a game of cards  (He won the first three tricks easily.) 12 »HABIT« have a trick of doing sth to have a habit of using a particular expression or of moving your face or body in a particular way  (She had this trick of raising her eyebrows at the end of a question.) 13 never miss a trick informal to always know exactly what is happening even if it does...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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